1. 選「音軌」→「屬性」
2.樂器設定為 Nylon Str Guitar
4.Tuning Offset 設為12
Tuning 四弦設定為A4 E4 C4 G4
TuxGuitar follows General MIDI specification, and among 128 instruments there is no ukulele.
In TuxGuitar each track has track name and instrument (MIDI instrument). You can set the name as "Ukulele" (or whatever you want), but you will have to choose one of existing instruments.
Use the following settings to create a High G tuned Ukulele.
First, go to Track Properties and select the following for the track:
Instrument: Nylon Str Guitar
Strings: 4
Offset: 12
Now set the tuning from top to bottom in TuxGuitar as:
A4 E4 C4 G4